Saturday, June 12, 2021

Animal Crossing - Ages of Villagers

 You’d think that because the villagers live in houses that they’d be accomplished adults. But their houses only consist of one room. And have you seen how some of those rooms look? Take Dizzy’s room, for instance. That’s clearly a child’s room.

The age is never actually explicitly stated, but some hints are in how they act, how they look, their species, and what their values are. 

Lazy villagers act like children. Peppy villagers act like teenagers. Cranky villagers act like older men. But that’s just mental age. There’s more to it! So I’m going to say what I BELIEVE how old several Animal Crossing villagers are.

The uchis, as they are implied to be “big sister”, are all older than me, but not by too much. I’m 18 so I’d put them at 19 minimum. Cherry is one of the younger uchis, at around 22. Hazel seems to be in her early 20s. Shari and Reneigh, on the other hand, seem about 26. Phoebe is around 25. Rocket seems like she’s about 40 though.

Dobie is clearly elderly. He’s a retired detective that looks like he smells like an ashtray. He’s between 70-80. Lobo is pretty old looking too, and I’d put him around 60. Fang is at least 100. Actually, I think ALL the wolves are old as fuck. This includes Audie, even though she’s technically a fox. She’s based off an 88 year old grandmother.

Bianca is clearly 16. She’s proved that she’s independent, even though she has the room of a typical 16 year old and she even aspires to be a singer. What 16 year old ISN’T like that?

Genji is around 21. He seems fairly young. Snake is around that age too. I’d say that Julia the trans peacock is around that age too.

All the chicken are somewhere between 30-39. The youngest two are Egbert at 30 and Goose at 31.

Rolf has proved that he’s as old as a fossil. He and Bianca are not related. Rolf is an albino tiger and Bianca is a snow leopard.

Cheri is a 17 year old high school student. Hamlet is also, without a single doubt, a high school student.

Ankha is 3,000 years old, obviously. She’s from ancient Egypt.

Clay is a living, breathing fossil from the Mycenaean period. He might as well be the oldest villager, even though he’s mentally a child.

Sherb has a lot of wisdom, but he is babie. He could be as old as 17, but it’s hard to tell.

Raymond is in his late twenties. Bob and Punchy are stoner kids in college.

Zell wants to keep his age a secret, but I’m going to make a guess. He just turned 24! He’s a young rich gay actor who seems to have his shit together. As per Lopez, he is of similar age. Marshal appears to be 21.

Vic has mentioned that he had parachute pants when he was a kid, those took off in the 80s. I’d precisely put his year of birth as 1973.

Apollo’s birth year is no surprise - 1776.

All the female kangaroos are single mothers, being in their late 20s. Rooney is around 40 and Walt is around 60.

Zucker is about 12 or 13. He has the curiosity of an adolescent.

Stitches and Filbert are both 10. LOL. Camofrog and Octavian are clearly boomers.

I like to think Al as having a master’s in Entymology or some shit. He’s still pretty young though, so I’d say he’s 25.

Opal says she’s of distinguished age. She seems to be in her upper thirties, so not quite middle-aged yet.

Normal villagers all seem to be accomplished adults. Twenties at average. Marina seems to be about 23. Fauna is definitely 20.

Patty is the oldest cow at 29. Norma is next at 28, then Tipper at 27, and Naomi is the youngest at 26.

Judy is 32. Even though I generally see the Cubs as younger than the bears.

O’Hare is about 38. He gives off divorced dad energy. So does Tom, in fact.

Static is a middle aged metal head. Peewee is a 63 year old drummer. Yuka is definitely an older woman.

Dom is around 18. He looks like he’s crying all the time.

Sprocket and Ribbot are 2. Because they are robots.

Cyd is in his 40s. Beau is a young, charming 18 year old. Coco is ancient, so I’m just going to say she is 1,000 years old..

That’s all I have for now. Even though I think most of them are hundreds of years old. Like the little girls from Touhou who are actually 2,000+ year old demons.

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