Monday, June 4, 2018

Hydra Part 2

I think I took more pictures in Hydra than I did in any of the other islands.
Dates: March 26, 2018

 This is otherwise known as "The Second Wave".
 I'm making fun of "First Wave" which was the name of a New Wave radio station my dad used to listen to.
 This was at a religious museum.
 A lot of this is very pretty to me.
 Look at all these... priests!
 And their wands!
 And even their capes!
 How fancy and pretty...
 Such detail.
 That must have been the box he used!
 Look! A chandelier!
 Hi, Mom!
 This was good pistachio ice cream.
 They got horses as well!
Our last look of Hydra.

Tomorrow, I will post pics from Aegina, the last island I visited that day.

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